Meet The Sit, Stay, 'N Play Team
Please take a moment and get to know the Sit, Stay, 'N Play team members. They are all committed to offering exceptional customer service and are always expanding their product knowledge. As a team, We are ALL committed to continually learning more about pet care, products, and nutrition so we can provide you with the best products and services around. We value you and your dog as our guest and look forward to helping your have your best dog! Yours in doggy fun!

Meet Our Wonderful of Team Members

Lisa Kirschner
My vision began with an energetic 3-month-old puppy named Lucy. I wanted to spend all my time training her to be the best dog she could be. We attended some classes, but I wanted more for her; and for me. Dog parks left me feeling dissatisfied. There had to be a better way to accomplish what I wanted for Lucy. That is when I decided to create an indoor, year-round dog training and social center in our area. I knew I couldn’t be the only person who was looking for a safe alternative to the dog park that my dog can play and have fun learning in. Several years later, it’s a reality. Thank you, Lucy.
She has had dogs her entire life. After getting her first Aussie, Lucy over 12 years ago, and her Husky, Isis, over 5 years ago, training has become an important part of her life. She loves to see dogs transition from nervous and fearful to confident and fearless, just as Lucy has.
Lucy plays several sports and does well in them. She has earned her TG1, TG2, TG3, and TMAG4 titles in Teacup Dogs Agility Association, her SSN in UKI Agility, her NJP in AKC agility, and her CL1 in CPE agility. Lucy has also earned her NW1, NW2, NW3, and L1I in nose work through National Association of Canine Scent Work (NACSW), NC, NV and SI in UKC Nosework, and PSD-NC, PSD-NE, PSD-ND, and PSD-NS through Performance Scent Dogs. Lucy has also earned her Canine Good Citizen as well as her Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced Tricks titles through the AKC. Lucy has also earned several obedience titles, including her CD-CCH in CDSP, BN and RN in AKC.
Lucy crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on February 27, 2023 leaving a wonderful legacy.
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Dagan Kirschner
Dagan runs the front end of the facility. He helps our trainers set up for each lesson, takes reservations, and makes sure the facility looks great. He is our go-to person and always has a smile on his face, and is willing to help all our guests. He also is one of our obedience trainers.
Dagan was born and raised in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. In 2009, he earned his Eagle Scout Award from the Boy Scouts of America.
During the winter season, Dagan also works at Ski Shawnee Mountain as a Children’s Ski and Snowboard instructor. He began teaching skiing when he was 14 years old. He has always enjoyed skiing and snowboarding and began his snow adventures at 2 years old.
Dagan attended Keystone College and Northampton Area Community College, where he majored in business. He is also taking classes through CATCH Canine Trainers Academy.
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Kathy Varkados
Kathy always had dogs in her life. Her love and compassion for dogs are immeasurable. 21 years ago, she received a call about a severely abused Rottweiler with a broken leg and heart. That is when Kathy got involved with Rescue and her local Humane Society. She became the Rescue Coordinator, Special Needs Coordinator & Advisor and was on the Board of Directors.
Kathy also taught Humane Education in schools and visited nursing homes alongside shelter dogs, the Humane Police Officer and 1 of her dogs, Clancey who was born blind and deaf. Besides training Obedience, she also trains blind/deaf dogs by touch. Her Clancey is AKC Canine Good Citizen (one of the first blind/deaf to be recognized) and is now doing nose work.
Kathy loves a challenge and wants to help all dogs become confident while having fun learning. She is married and a Mom of 5 beautiful children. Her 4 legged children consist of her blind/deaf Aussies and Border Collies, a 3 legged Border Collie named Checkers and 1 Golden Retriever named Bella.
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Dane Bragg
Dane grew up with chihuahuas and poodles. As an adult, he and his wife Donna decided the beagle was the breed for them. Their first dog, Joey, taught them more than they ever taught him. Most importantly, the importance of finding the right dog and right breed for you. Dane calls himself a "relationship trainer" and believes all dog training should boil down to building a better relationship with our dogs. He believes handlers should develop a broad set of handling techniques and develop the skill of picking the right one for them and their dog in each situation. Dane has titled dogs in multiple venues, including AKC, TDAA, DOCNA, and UKI. More than competing, Dane loves teaching. He began teaching agility nearly 10 years ago and continually works to improve his own handling in order to be a better teacher. In addition to handling and teaching, Dane is a trial secretary for multiple venues and an active UKI agility judge. When judging, Dane has a number one rule for handlers: "Have fun with your dog!" In training, the same rule applies. When our dogs succeed in doing what we want, we need to make them believe they are the greatest dog in the world. Which they are, of course.
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Sara Jacobs
I started training dogs for competition in the 1970’s. My breeds to this day has been Newfoundlands, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shorthaired Pointers, Pembroke Corgi and American Brittany.
As well as obedience, I have shown dogs in Confirmation, Rally, Draft Work, Water Work, and Field Work.
I am a judge for CDSP Obedience, and WCRL Rally.
I enjoy working with my dogs and helping others. Through the years I have found different ways of training and I feel that there is not one way to train a dog, if something is not working , I find a way to make it happen.
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Kathy Gregory
Kathy has been an avid Nose Work enthusiast since taking the first Nose Work seminar given on the East Coast in 2010. She has been competing herself and teaching competitors in this sport since being formally certified in 2013. Her students have included old dogs, puppies, blind and retired dogs from other, more physically challenging sports. Kathy believes that this sport specifically supports shy, sensitive, and environmentally challenged dogs as well as dogs that just like to get out and have fun with their handlers. Some of Kathy’s students are successfully competing at the highest levels of Nose Work. Kathy is an ORT Certifying Official and Judge. Kathy participated in providing the AKC with live information about how to put the sport of Scent Work together, having hosted several of their groups observing her classes and providing suggestions as to how to make their sport different and interesting as well as fun. Kathy is an AKC Scent Work Judge for all levels of competition. Kathy has been a member of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America since 1999 and the Long Island Doberman Pinscher Club since 1997. Kathy has been invited to give Nose Work seminars as fund raisers for different breed clubs in New York and New Jersey and several animal shelter groups. Kathy writes regularly about Scent Work for several professional magazines and for Perspectives, the periodical for AKC Delegates. She has been an AKC Delegate since 2015 and has served on the Herding Earthdog Coursing and Scent Work Events committee since 2017.
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Mark Kirschner
Mark is our in house designer and photographer. He helps to create new, interesting, and engaging content across our multi media platforms.
Mark lives a pretty active lifestyle that includes traveling, paintballing, and snowboarding. He also has several published works including his 2018 "Unknown Faces" show winner at the Cummings Art Gallery in Erie, PA.
Mark graduated from Mercyhurst University, where he studied design and photography.
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Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
Lucy joined Lisa’s family on January 1st, 2010 as a three-month-old puppy. At that time, Lisa worked for a non-profit organization and had to travel often as well as have evening meetings. While Lisa enjoyed what she did serving the community, she wanted more for Lucy.
They were able to take some classes locally, and still wanted more for this outgoing and fun puppy. It was Lucy’s outgoing personality that helped Lisa open Sit, Stay, ‘N Play so that Lucy could go to work and play every day.
Lucy started out with more obedience classes before starting agility. Lucy loved agility, except for the teeter. We all believe it was the sound, not the movement. Afterall, she did have big ears.
From there, Lucy found her favorite game; nose work. Her enthusiasm to play was heard by everyone when she had to wait her turn. She was good at it, and everyone can see the joy in her playing.
Lucy started a competition obedience class when she was eight years old, the age when most dogs are retiring. She always played with a smile, and sometimes a little bark when not moving fast enough. She was good, even earning High In Trial several times over dogs half her age and experience.
As Lucy began to age, and retire from competing in agility, she found Rodeo Dog. She enjoyed that game too. There wasn’t a game that she didn’t enjoy playing, with whoever would play with her.
As life happens, her aging was hard on her body. She and Lisa fought a good fight for years not knowing what the challenges were on why her body was behaving the way it was. Such wonderful veterinarians did all they could to help her for years. On February 27, 2023 she lost the battle and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. However, her legacy will continue to live on every single day. It’s because of her that Sit, Stay, ‘N Play was created. So dogs can have a safe and fun place to play with their people.
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Isis Kirschner
Isis was adopted from Delaware Valley Siberian Rescue on July 3, 2010 as an adult. She was Mark’s dog, and they loved each other. Once Mark went to college, we made the decision for Isis to stay home with Lucy as we were concerned on how she would take the move. She loved everyone, and some even considered her the Mayor of Main Street, as you can see her outside on the sidewalk waiting for the children to come pet her. She loved to ride in the convertible, and it showed by her big smile.
She was one of the reasons that Sit, Stay, ‘N Play is designed with a safety airlock. Yes, as a husky, she found a way out. She is also the reason why we dedicate so much time in educating pet parents about nutrition and healthy food for dogs. She is leaving a wonderful legacy of healthy dogs.
She passed away on February 16, 2018, but will always have a place in our hearts.
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