Team Triumph Alumni

Happy Dogs of the Month


Sheriff Woody and Deputy Marzipan "Marzi" - August 2024

Two years ago, we started with Sit, Stay, 'N Play to train our first Goldendoodle, Sheriff Woody, aiming to make him an autism therapy dog. After completing his Star Puppy Training, we quickly moved to intermediate obedience. As we welcomed our second Goldendoodle, Deputy Marzipan “Marzi,” who is also on the path to becoming a therapy dog, Woody transitioned to Rodeo Dog, where he thrives. The support and guidance from Kathy, Lisa, Dagan, and Dane have been invaluable, and I’m grateful for all I’ve learned to better work with my pups.


Bella and Charlie - September 2024

Our journey with Sit, Stay ‘N Play (SSNP) began 10 years ago with my Cavalier, Bella, a hyperactive dog who found her passion in Nosework, eventually earning 47 competitive titles before retiring at 14 as an "Elite" Nosework dog, holding the U.S. record for most titles among Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. After Bella, we welcomed Charlie, a timid rescue who, with the help of SSNP trainers, built confidence through agility and later Nosework, earning multiple titles and becoming a confident, sociable dog. Now 13, Charlie continues to excel in Nosework, proudly sporting his "Turbo Tail" nickname, and our SSNP journey remains filled with love and accomplishments.


Chief - June 2024

Chief's start in life wasn't great. Born in an animal hoarder's apartment and sold at just four weeks old, he quickly became too much for his new owner to handle and was passed around until we agreed to babysit him "for a few months." He came to us at six weeks old, underweight, malnourished, improperly weaned, and unsocialized. Our elderly dog, Lizzie, tried her best to help him, but being separated from his litter so early left him struggling with social cues and playing with other dogs. After a few months, it was time for him to go back to his owner, but a frantic call soon brought him back to us permanently. The pandemic limited our socialization and training options, and after Lizzie passed away, things got even harder. We did our best, but real progress only came when we took him to “Sit, Stay, and Play.” Chief has come a long way, and while he still has some issues, training has made a huge difference. He’s now a great dog who can mostly be trusted to behave in public.


Thor - July 2024

My name is Thor, a 2½-year-old Golden Retriever who loves meeting new people, playing with my toys, and most of all, eating food! I've been attending Sit, Stay, ‘N Play since I was a pup, starting with basic training that helped me bond with my human and communicate better. Later, I tried Rodeo classes, and running through the tunnel was the best thing ever, helping me release energy during my zoomies phase. Currently, I'm in intermediate obedience classes with our trainer, Dane, who has taught me to focus and respond to commands even with distractions. I've also faced weekly challenges and learned many new skills, like not being scared of umbrellas, loud trucks, or walking on grates, though hula hoops are still a work in progress. My goal is to earn my therapy certification so I can work with my human and hang out with kids all day, making our days brighter. With the help of everyone at Sit, Stay, ‘N Play, I know I can achieve this. So if you see me around, make sure to say hi and give me a supportive high five.

4 Dogs for Sit Stay Play

Kevin & Teagan - April 2024

Our journey to Sit, Stay, ‘N Play began with Teagan's impressive jumping skills and the need for Agility training upon our move to Pennsylvania in 2021. Under Dane Bragg's guidance, Teagan excelled, and we both advanced to Advanced Agility. Frank and Marcus also found their training paths with Kathy Varkados, with Frank joining Teagan in Advanced Agility and Marcus thriving in Rodeo Dog. Gretchen surprised us by excelling in Rodeo Dog despite starting at age 10 with no prior training. Our dogs love their time at Sit, Stay, ‘N Play for the mental and physical stimulation it provides, creating special bonds and moments for us all.

Nudge, Buggles, Boo and Pip

Nudge, Buggles, Boo, and Pip - May 2024

Over the past year, I welcomed four adorable puppies—Nudge, Buggles, Boo, and Pip—into my life, knowing they would need some training to overcome their unique quirks and rough pasts. Thanks to the incredible trainers at Sit, Stay, 'N Play—Dagan, Dane, Kathy, and Lisa—my pups are blossoming into well-behaved and confident dogs. The training sessions cover basic commands and manners, but they also teach me to understand and respond to my dogs' cues, strengthening our bond and encouraging positive behavior. Moving from Beginner Obedience to Intermediate, Rally, and Rodeo classes has been a game-changer, helping us navigate real-life situations smoothly. It hasn't always been easy, but with patience, perseverance, and lots of praise, my dogs are truly thriving, and I couldn't have done it without the fantastic guidance from our trainers.


Mufasa - March 2024

Our journey at Sit, Stay, and Play began when Mufasa was just four months old. Having owned German Shorthairs for over 30 years, we were inspired to have a Great Pyrenees after our daughter rescued one. Knowing Mufasa would grow into a giant dog, we prioritized excellent training. Under Kathy Varkados' guidance, Mufasa excelled, earning his AKC Star Puppy award and Canine Good Citizen title. He loved classes so much that we sometimes had to coax him to leave. In 2023, Mufasa passed the AKC Temperament Test and became a therapy dog in December, bringing joy to everyone he meets. Sit, Stay, and Play's high-quality training and Kathy's expertise and love for dogs have been invaluable to us.

Bailey dog of the month Feb

Bailey - February 2024

Bailey and I joined Sit, Stay, 'N Play when she was just 1 year old. Initially, her exuberance made outings challenging, but with Dane and Dagan's patient guidance, we quickly progressed. Bailey now loves classes and our walks are enjoyable and manageable. We even excelled at Sit, Stay, 'N Play's anniversary event, spurring us to tackle Intermediate Obedience and Agility classes. Bailey's joy in Agility is palpable, and I cherish watching her confidence grow. Sit, Stay, 'N Play has enriched our bond and expanded our world, and we're eager for more adventures together. Thank you for all your support. Bailey and RoseMarie.


Lucy - January 2024

I'm Lucy, the proud owner of three incredible dogs: Willow and Bohdi, both 5-year-old Australian Shepherds, and Falon, a 2-year-old German Shorthaired Pointer. Transitioning from merely good house pets to competition-ready companions has been a rewarding journey. Each dog had unique goals, from obedience trials to other competitions, but their personalities sometimes required a change in direction. Our training began at Sit Stay N Play five years ago, progressing from basic obedience to Rally, Rodeo Dog, and Competition Obedience. We also train at other facilities for venues like Hunt Test and Conformation. With the guidance of trainers like Kathy Varkados, Dane Bragg, Lisa Kirshner, and Sara Jacobs, coupled with our determination, we've achieved significant success. Our bond grows stronger with every session, and all three dogs are thriving in Open Class Obedience, with Falon excelling in Hunt Test training.

Inky and Itsy

Itsy & Inky - December 2023

We're incredibly thankful for Kathy and the Sit, Stay, 'N Play team. Our journey began when we sought a trainer for our two deaf and partially blind puppies, Itsy and Inky. After struggling to find someone we could trust, Aunt Mary Ann recommended Sit, Stay, 'N Play, where Kathy's expertise and genuine love for all dogs won us over instantly. Under Kathy's guidance, Itsy and Inky quickly learned commands using sign language and touch, transforming our lives. Our Sunday training sessions have become a cherished routine, and we're continually amazed by Kathy's skills. This experience has been truly wonderful for our family, and we're grateful beyond words.



G, The General - November 2023

G, our cherished dog, entered our lives at around 5 years old, showcasing his endearing nature and quick adjustment to our home. His lively zoomies posed a challenge, prompting us to seek guidance. Discovering Sit Stay 'n Play transformed our lives, offering G an outlet for his energy and unexpectedly becoming a source of joy and exercise for me. With the trainers' help, G conquered agility courses, learning verbal commands, hand signals, and interpreting body language, strengthening our family bond. Now 12, G eagerly awaits training, proving age doesn't dampen his zest. We're grateful to Sit Stay 'n Play for enriching our lives and ensuring G's continued happiness and health.


Leila and Latte - October 2023

My goal for Leila and Latte was to make them the best dogs that they could be using the tools available. This was best accomplished through training at a facility so that would teach me how to properly achieve this goal. Through Sit, Stay N’ Play, and with a lot of love and compassion, both dogs have acquired their S.T.A.R Puppy and Canine Good Citizen titles. Our love for agility has carried us into another chapter of training that I am truly thrilled to participate in. The staff and programs at Sit, Stay N’ Play make all of this possible, and both Leila and Latte could not be happier!


Chip - September 2023

Chip joined our family on February 26th, 2022, alongside his older sister Cassie, a 10-year-old Sheltie. Sadly, just one week later, we said goodbye to Cassie after her courageous battle with cancer. Devastated by her loss yet adjusting to life with a new puppy, we sought solace in training classes at Sit, Stay, ‘N Play. Through puppy training and later intermediate obedience, Chip's energy and anxiety presented challenges, prompting us to try agility. With the support of Sit, Stay, ‘N Play's staff, Chip blossomed, recently earning accolades in his first TDAA agility trial. Grateful for the bond forged amidst grief, we celebrate Chip as Dog of the Month, thanking both him and the Sit, Stay, ‘N Play team for their unwavering kindness and guidance.

We offer the best dog training in Stroudsburg, PA. Come visit our pet supply store specializing in quality food, treats, and supplies for dogs.

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