We Are Sit, Stay 'N Play
Local Dog Training & Dog Supplies, Stroudsburg, PA
At Sit, Stay, ‘N Play, we empower dog owners to take the lead by teaching them how to guide their pups with proactive strategies and creative solutions. We're all about pushing boundaries, embracing challenges, and celebrating every wagging tail milestone. No two dogs are alike which means each dog owner needs methods that are tailored to their dog. Our commitment to excellence is unwavering, driving us to explore new techniques and inspire positive change in each dog and the world of dog training.

Positive, Pain-Free Dog Training for a Happier Pup 🐶
The Sit, Stay, 'N Play training program utilizes ONLY positive reinforcement dog training techniques. Some dog training firms that offer "Board and Train" will certainly do whatever it takes to get quick results with your pet, including utilizing choke chains and shock collars. Sit, Stay, 'N Play does NOT employ any aversive dog training methods.
NOTE: Click on any of the training area titles to learn more.
Sit, Stay, 'N Play utilizes ONLY positive reinforcement dog training techniques. A trained dog is a HAPPY dog! Join one of our intro classes to get started now.
Sit, Stay, 'N Play is celebrating 11 years of pawsome service to our guests and community. Give us a call and see how we can help you and dog build a better bond.
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Shop UltraHund
Ultrahund’s line of performance dog gear is designed specifically for active dogs and their owners.
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