TDAA Trial at TriState Dog Obedience Club

Get Ready for Our TDAA Trial at TriState Dog Obedience Club! Calling all agility fans and their incredible dogs!  Location: TriState Dog Obedience Club, 837 US-6, Shohola, PA Date: Sunday,…

UKI Agility Trial

We will be offering a UKI Agility trial on Monday, Monday 14th. We will be offering Agility and Snooker for all levels. The trial closes on April 7th. The premium…

CDSP Obedience Trial

Limited to 35 entries per trial All Classes: $25.00 per run Doors open at 8:00AM / Judging begins at 9:00AM This is an indoor trial on rubber matting / No…

Rodeo Dog Trial

Giddy Up! May 4th Premium We are excited to offer a Rodeo Dog trial on Sunday, May 4th. We will be offering Straight Line, Clover, Round Up, and Lock, Stock,…

TDAA Agility Trial

We will be hosting an agility trial May 17th. This is open to all dogs that measure 20 inches or under. For more information and the premium: May Premium Please…

UKI Agility Trial

We will be offering a UKI Agility trial on Saturday, June 7th. We will be offering Agility, Speedstakes, Jumping, and Snooker for all levels. The trial closes on May 28th.…

NACSW Odor Recognition Test

Exciting News! Our First NACSW Odor Recognition Test Is Coming! We are thrilled to announce that we will be hosting our very first NACSW Odor Recognition Test on Saturday, June…

CDSP Obedience Trial

Limited to 35 entries per trial All Classes: $25.00 per run Doors open at 8:00AM / Judging begins at 9:00AM This is an indoor trial on rubber matting / No…

TDAA Agility Trial

We will be hosting an agility trial. This is open to all dogs that measure 20 inches or under. For more information and the premium: August 9 Premium Please note, this is paper entries only We look forward to seeing you and your dog enjoy the game.

TDAA Agility Trials – Serial Trial Week Three of Three

We will be hosting an agility trial. This is open to all dogs that measure 20 inches or under. For more information and the premium: August 18 Premium Please note, this is paper entries only We look forward to seeing you and your dog enjoy the game.